ITEM:            CONSENT CALENDAR     




Meeting Date:     January 29, 2004                          Budgeted: N/A          

Program/Line Item No.: N/A

Staff Contact:       Arlene Tavani                              Cost Estimate: N/A


General Counsel Approval: N/A

Committee Recommendation: N/A

CEQA Compliance: N/A



SUMMARY:    At the December 15, 2003 meeting, the Board adopted revised procedures for consideration of pulled Consent Calendar items.  The new procedure specifies that: (a) any item may be pulled from the Consent Calendar for separate consideration at the request of a member of the public, or a member of the Board; (b) staff will give a brief presentation of the pulled item; (c) the person who requested that the item be pulled will also speak briefly to the issue; (d) the public will comment; and (e) if controversy develops, the item may be deferred to the end of the meeting or to a future meeting.  Attached as Exhibit 4-A is the revised text of  MPWMD Meeting Rule Nos. 15 and 18 that reflect the new policy.  New text is shown in italics and deleted text is indicated by strikeout.


Also shown on Exhibit 4-A  is a proposed revision to Meeting Rule No. 19, that deletes language that refers to “Deferred Consent Calendar Items.”  This change makes the Board Meeting Rules consistent with the order of business shown in Meeting Rule No. 15 and currently followed at the Board meetings.  Prior to February 2000, the Board meeting agenda included an item near the end of the agenda titled “Deferred Consent Calendar Items.” The change to Rule No. 19, makes it clear that the Board can defer the Board Comments and Referrals or other staff reports to the end of the meeting, after the Public Hearing and Action items have been considered.


RECOMMENDATION:   The Board should adopt the proposed text of MPWMD Meeting Rule Nos. 15, 18 and 19.  If adopted, the MPWMD Meeting Rules will be updated and copies provided to the Board of Directors.

